Voize up!
We can make better solution
Partnership Modules

Integrated your branded PoC terminals with our voizenet platform. Only Android based terminals are targeted at the moment.

Extending functionality with our open software programming interface (API) for various application and vertical market. Both for terminal and dispatcher.

Partner with radio system manufacturers who interested in creating convergence solution for interoperability between brandband PoC and PMR network.
Schedule on the fly
Duis pulvinar arcu a ultrices monk dapibus. Etiam suscipit sed quam vel auctor.
Save everything to dropbox
Duis pulvinar arcu a ultrices monk dapibus. Etiam suscipit sed quam vel auctor.
Take notes and reminders
consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed neque mauris, porta id arcu ac, sagittis auctor ante.
Take control over messages
blandit porta, viverra nec metus. Maecenas in magna ullamcorper dolor commodo.